2015 Alarm Expo Vendor Registration
Reasons to come this year
- Most importantly to come and support the local security industry…This is a fundraiser to help us protect OUR industry!!
- Again, as it worked very well the last few years, we are asking each of our member companies to commit that not only will they personally be there, but they will be sending 5 or more of there employees to the expo!! Last year we had well over 150+ attendees including the decision makers from each of the companies!!
- Around the Room Card: You’ve seen it before, the magic card that ensures that visitors will come to YOUR booth. And now it’s FREE!
- Invitations being sent out to the local ASIS chapter, all state alarm associations, police and fire chief associations, non member security contractors, and many other industry associate
- We will be presenting our Fourth Annual “Security Industry Advocate of the Year” Award! This award has been a great way to show our appreciation….
- We have 3-6 openings for CEU classes, respond quickly if you are interesting in teaching a class! Classes are always FULL!